Study for the ARDMS OBGYN, ARDMS Abdomen, and ARDMS Physics boards tests with over 2000 high-quality Flashcards. Ultrasound Flashcards is a great new way to study for the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) exams. The Ultrasound Flashcard program is a program that allows you to practice test questions on a computer to help you prepare for the ARDMS computerized examinations. Ultrasound Flashcards is the only computerized flashcards for ARDMS review available, and it was written by Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers who have just taken and passed the general boards.
-Easy to learn how to use
-Allows you to create your own questions
-Allows you to separate out missed questions to go back and review them more easily
-Includes both detailed and general questions that are on the ARDMS registries
-You can Print all the flashcards for studying on the go
-Based on the ARDMS outlines of material that could appear on the examinations
-Is available for the Abdomen, OB/GYN, and Physics ARDMS registries